THIS WEEK'S OPEN PLAY HOURS 9/2-9/8…. Labor Day Monday CLOSED, Tuesday 9:30a-1p Wednesday 9:30-2p, Thursday 9:30-4p, Friday 9:30-5p…THIS WEEKEND'S OPEN PLAY HOURS: Saturday 9/7 1-5p & Sunday 9/8 9a-1p.

curriculum & policies




Sitting together on the carpet

Sitting in chairs/tables

Using the bathroom appropriately

Active participation in group songs, chants, etc.

Eating independently/using utensils properly

Playing appropriately

Becoming comfortable with other adults/being away from Mom or Dad


Basic Skills


Listening and following single and multi step directions

Taking turns

Communicating with speaking and gestures

Appropriate conversational skills (asking and answering questions, eye contact, etc)

Sharing materials

Appropriate conversational skills

Independent and group play


Independent problem solving/conflict resolution

Begin to foster a love of school and learning


Academic Goals




Number/Letter Recognition and beginning formation

Basic phonics

Creative play/Dramatic Play

Story telling

Active listening to stories/read-alouds

Fine/Gross motor skills

Recognizing his/her name in print and speaking


Counting/Less & More




“Reading Readiness” (holding a book properly, turning pages)

Vocabulary/Sight words

Letter strings and recognizing punctuation





Behavior Guidelines

We understand that our Pre-K Prep program serves children who are beginning to learn important life skills and rules/routines. Our goal is to foster appropriate behavior for home and school in all of our students, but understand at times it can be challenging. We will handle any offensive behavior (including biting, hitting, etc) on a case-by-case basis, informing all parents of involved children directly. If disruptive behavior becomes a pattern, we may request a meeting with the child’s parents to address the issues involved and to discuss next steps, if necessary. 


Due to all of our sessions being at capacity, we are unable to offer makeups or refunds for missed classes due to illness or vacation. Please do not bring your child to class if they have had a fever in the last 24 hours or are exhibiting symptoms that indicate sickness (including vomiting, diarrhea, cough or rash, runny nose etc). In the event of inclement weather, we will contact each family to alert them personally. If you are planning to keep your child home for any reason, please let us know in advance.  There are three built in emergency days throughout the year in which TLPC may close down, if necessary.  Make up days are not offered for these days if used. Parents/Guardians will be contacted prior to any emergency closure via email.

Drop Off

Drop off is at 8:55/9am each morning.  All children must be walked into the facility by parent or caregiver and sign child in with staff member or teacher. Strollers must remain outside due to limited space and the fire hazard they will cause in entryway. 

Pick Up

Pick up is at 12pm each day. For safety reasons, we will only release children directly to primary caregiver as noted by parents/guardian on information forms. Adults will need to come into the Pre K Prep room and sign each child out personally. This will allow staff/teachers to safely hand each child off to parent/guardian. In the event that another adult will be picking up a child, the teacher must be notified ahead of time to ensure a safe handoff in writing via email. Proper identification is required for your child to be released. 


Please send your son or daughter with a snack and water bottle each day. Although each child does have his/her own cubby, please label your items with your child’s name if possible. TLPC is a nut-free facility so please be sure all snacks from home are nut-free. We encourage families to send their children with a snack that they enjoy and that is not a choking hazard. As a reminder, all parents/guardians must notify the staff at TLPC of any food or other allergies on information page.  If your child has/uses an EpiPen or other medication, please provide a note from your doctor giving consent to a teacher to use the medication if necessary and be sure medication is labeled and provided daily. 


Every student needs an extra set of clothes including: top, bottoms, socks, underwear (if potty trained) clearly labeled. This will remain in their cubby until needed. We suggest sending in a smock or larger overshirt for art projects, etc. if you’d prefer. If your child is not yet potty trained, please provide TLPC with the pull ups/diapers/wipes you would like us to use for him/her. Please send in a labeled ziploc bag and we will keep them separate for each child. 


We will be using an app on our phones to keep in touch with you and send pictures throughout the week. Instructions for using this app will be provided at Orientation. If you would prefer to opt out of this, please let your teacher or staff member know.


COVID-19 Updates and Policies (if deemed necessary at any point)

 -Children should be dropped off outside of TLPC and Teacher will take children inside

-Daily screening of students for symptoms before they come to school by parents/guardians

-Hand sanitizer used as children enter TLPC and continued hand washing throughout the day

-Class sizes are small and intimate

-Staff will wear gloves when manipulating food or changing diapers.  

-All children and staff will wear socks

-Put toys in a bin to later be sanitized after children play with them

-Cleaning to be administered throughout the day (doorknobs, light switches, furniture, toys, and other objects – Sanitize ‘high touch’ objects every hour).

-Disinfect space and toys daily after school hours